Of Kings, Queens and Jack Asses
The past week has been horrifying in New Delhi with major protests against the gang rape of an innocent 23 year old girl and brutal attack on her male accompanying her on a private bus during late hours. There are statistics that say that a female is raped every 20 minutes and this is something we ought to be proud of being in the world’s largest democracy when we can’t even come up with laws that can protect the female population. I can’t blame the idiots in parliament who pass stupid laws either. It was you who put them in those seats in the first place. The recent gang rape incident will remain in the media only as long as the numbers are good on the ratings and soon later the issue will die out like a candle in a storm and never be heard of again. First and foremost I want to set some thinking standards before going further. When one hears of news that a female was raped in some ‘metropolitan city’ during ‘late hours’, the first thing that comes to the mind is that she might...