Raising the middle finger!!

I was thinking the other day why people end lives by suicides. Methods of suicides have always awed me (in a rather funny way). These include hanging dead from the ceiling fan, jumping from a building to fall flat, cutting your wrists(most likely in the bathroom), sleeping on a rail track, having a heavy dose of sleeping pills, drinking poisons and probably the last trying to find out if the bullet comes through the other side of the head when firing a gun. Some methods are horrifying while others are okay as long as until people don’t discover you dead with your stinking dead smell! Suicides are actually committed to make a point. Most probable reasons for suicides would be pressure due to situations that are financial, career based or personal. Most suicides have a motive, which is to deliver a message across to some specific persons concerned. And this message always reads as ‘I am a worthless piece of shit!’

That’s right folks; no one’s going to remember you for your suicide because it just proves that you were a mentally unstable moron, who couldn’t handle burdens and find solutions for the problems in life. Everyone has problems in life and your capability is determined by how you can stand up to these problems and put up a challenge. Putting a bullet through your head doesn’t prove anything other than the fact that the bullet is stronger than your brainless head!

The fact is that you think you can run away from your troubles by suicide. We think it is the only option out of all the trouble. We humans are designed to be stupid. We always want to have an easy going life and when the going gets tough and we can’t cope we want to get the hell out. Taking one’s life seems like an easy job. But it needs great courage. If only people realized that they could use this courage to stand up for themselves. There are many others in worse shape than you and still more who have death at their doors yet wish to live.

It saddens me when school kids and college students commit suicides owing to parental pressure to get top ranks in academics. Ever since globalization there is a competition from the moment you are born. I have a nephew who is five years old and studies first grade. It is shocking to see him take such a huge bag to school. Parents have a wrong notion nowadays that life has become more competitive and are finding ways to let their children learn more than they are capable to grasp. And worst of all is when you compare your kids with the next door kid who got a better rank. Come to think about it, I think getting some low grade or a rank is better than sending the poor chap to the grave.

Suicides in college are driven by relationship issues, being cast out from a circle and unable to gain acceptance or recognition. Most are likely to commit suicide due to depression, alcohol abuse, inability to perform, anxiety and responsibilities. This phase is called ‘Falling down with mud in your face’. If you think this is all that life is all about and decide to end it once in for all then too bad of you. There is always a solution for everything. If the solution is not permanent then there is always some temporary solution to every problems. You just have to try harder to find this solution and get on with life.

Life can give you shocks as well as pleasant surprises. There are many lines which describe that good times follow bad ones. ‘Light at the end of the tunnel’, ‘the night is dark just before the dawn’ and ‘after the storm comes calm’ are some which symbolize that there is always a positive outcome to negative that happens. Your friends don’t accept you? Make new ones but true ones. That girl dumped you? Tell her you wasted enough time on her. Got bullied? Fight back. Can’t make it to the top after all the hard work? Patience is the key. No hard work goes unrewarded.

The phase where you ‘fall down and get mud on your face’, people will laugh and make fun. This is the point where you should choose to lie down or get up. Getting up might seem simple. But getting yourself up from the slippery mud and wiping it off your face is a challenge in itself. Once you get up there is no stopping. You have stood up against the challenge and you are no longer that coward who wanted to end life. You have risen from the mud and stood up.

This phase where you rise and show the world you will not be pushed around is what I proudly call ‘Raising the middle finger’.


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